Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Build a Killer Pinewood Derby Car

Brett and Kaye McCay at The Art of Manliness have an excellent article about building a great Pinewood derby car.

Their suggestions:

  1. Remember, he’s supposed to do most of the work.

  2. Check the rules. Different packs have different rules.

  3. Trace the template on the block of wood.

  4. Cut the block.

  5. Prepare the axle slots.

  6. Drill holes for the weight.

  7. Sand.

  8. Paint and finish.

  9. Check the wheels.

  10. Polish the axles.

  11. Mount the wheels.

  12. Lubricate the axles.

  13. Add the weight and seal the holes.

Building Pinewood derby cars isn't just for boys. The parachurch Awana group, which reaches out to kids, also hosts a similar contest and uses the same cars. You can find the site for their Awana Grand Prix here.

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